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Thursday, January 6, 2011


Maybe today I'm feeling especially rebellious but I'm going to go ahead and put it out there:

I resent the word 'afro'.

I will preface this bluster by informing you all that I am fully aware that I do not know all that much about the etymology of the word, beyond what I googled moments ago when I decided I was indeed perturbed, but I am nonetheless annoyed with it and its application.

What brought this about?

I was complaining of a headache due to too many bobby pins and head bands managing my coiffure and a co-worker suggested I remove them all and "'fro it out!"
I was immediately annoyed when I realized how excited white people seem to get at the idea of seeing a real life "afro". I can appreciate the acceptance of my hair if that were what this really was. But instead it feels like showtime and wearing my hair loose for others to see is the main attraction.
Why does my loose hair, which for any other race is just 'down', have to be called an afro? I don't expect to call it wearing my hair down as I realize my hair tends to defy gravity a bit and go any way but... but still.

I'm losing steam. I think you get my point.

Things like that just drive me crazy.

I also hate hearing older black people referring to my hair as "a natural". A natural? What is that? It's not 1973. And even if it were that shouldn't be an excuse to label what really is the absence of a specific style to in fact be a style. It's just my hair doing it's thing! Good grief.

Silly ignorant brainwashed people.

Maybe it's just me be being overly sensitive. Or maybe not.


The Woman said...

Guess that means it's time for me to rename this friggin blog.

Stay tuned sports fans.

Adam said...

I see what you are saying.

Call it "out' like you said.

And also I can see calling it 'A Natural.' It's like calling it 'A Bob' or whatever. Leave the old people alone, they just want their prune juice.

Can't wait for the next post in 435 days! Woo!

Ladytjam said...

So what you are saying is to simply stop placing labels? But...are we not a society who lives by labels? How do you propose to break the cycle of what has been enbeaded for generations. After all, people only do what they know. But i digress...I do get your meaning.