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Saturday, September 12, 2009

American Culture

When asked to define American culture most people, including myself, tend to describe a society made up of many different ethnicities, religions and beliefs that meld together into a sort of super-culture. The most unique answer I received was from my husband who used only one word, 'win'. I wouldn’t have thought of this term myself, but now that I have it seems to sum our culture up very well. To tie together all the definitions I heard and further explain the concept of winning as an American ideal, this is how I would put it: America is made of people who come from a line of strugglers. No matter what country our ancestors hailed from, they came here wanting a better life, if not for themselves—at least for their children. And for some of us we were brought here under persecution and have since had to strive for better treatment and equal rights. Ultimately we want to win. In our daily lives we strive to win in some way or another; whether it’s competing for a better job, a better school, a nicer place to live, or just the best deal. It is the American way of life to not only want better, but to reach for it.

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